Articles on: General FAQ

How to use our widgets, tool bars, and more

Tool Bar

The tool bar is where your productivity widgets live. It's located on the left side of your screen.

You can expand or collapse it when not in use

To close any of our widgets -

Simply click “—” on the top right of the widget
Or click on the toolbar again to close it

To resize widgets:

Only Media, Sounds, To-do, Notes, and Video chat are resizable at this time

Hover over the bottom right corner of the widget until your cursor changes to an arrow

If your widget gets stuck, or doesn't show any text

If your widget is stuck on the screen, click on the ⚙️ at the bottom of the toolbar and click “Reset Layout”

Click on the "Gear icon" at the bottom and click "Reset Layout"

Going fullscreen

Click the expand icon in the top navigation

Hiding the elements on your screen

Go to my account → Appearance Settings
Check the “Hide Elements” box
Customize when to hide elements - our recommendation is 15 seconds or more

Turn on "Hide Elements" to hide menu and tools

Updated on: 10/03/2023

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