Are feeling uninspired to work? Do you find yourself getting too easily distracted? If you spend a lot of time at your desk, it’s important to create a cozy digital ambience that will transform your mindset and working environment.

Today, we will be exploring LifeAt and how it can turn a mundane working session into an immersive and productive experience.

How to use LifeAt

There are the 2 set-ups I found to be the most effective:

  • LifeAt on a second screen with main work on the first screen
  • LifeAt on the primary screen with physical worksheets or book in front of you

Using LifeAt on the second screen while working on your tasks

1. Select your space background

Think of it as your virtual space, this is where you will get your work done. A visually pleasing space can calm you down and be a source of inspiration or relaxation, depending on your preferences.

Tips: the emoji is a category. To view spaces in that category, click forward “>” or backward “<” on each category.

Select your space background to set the mood

2. Your choice of audio

Audio ambiance, or the sound environment in which you work or focus, can have a significant impact on your ability to concentrate and be productive.

There are 3 audio options on LifeAt that you can select from

  • Spaces audio the background audio that came from the space you picked in step 1
  • Link Spotify, Apple, or Youtube playlist simply copy the public playlist url to paste in the “Media” widget on the left toolbar
  • Soundboard In some situations, background noise can make it easier to concentrate. Explore from Keyboard ASMR to White Noises in the “Sound” widget on the left toolbar and see what works best for you

The background audio from your virtual space

Link public playlist from Spotify, Youtube, or Apple Music

Pick from rain, keyboard asmr, or white noise

3. Add your tasks

Think about your top 3 most important tasks that you aim to get done that day and write them down in a to-do list.

Use the to-do list widget

4. Start the timer

Now that you got your ambience and tasks set up, it’s time to work on those tasks!

I highly recommend the pomodoro technique which is the method to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.

Just click on the timer on the left toolbar to get started!

Pomodoro timer to timebox your tasks


I hope these tips will allow you to be more productive and focus on what’s truly important.

As for me, I’m currently vibing to this space called “Pastel Blob” while writing some more articles.

Here’s a sneak peek to what my current work set up looks like.

Happy Focusing!

What my final set up looks like