Board and Calendar View
Switch between Board and Calendar View
Above the Tags menu, you will see two new views: Board and Calendar. Choose Calendar to see an agenda style view of the current week. This is ideal for time boxing, prioritizing, and quickly viewing your upcoming appointments and meetings.

Choose whichever view works best for your workload!

Board View
With board view, you'll be able to manage your upcoming week by adding, editing, and assigning tags via a kanban board layout.
To add a task to the Board, click on any of the "Add Task" buttons located under the corresponding dates on the Board.

Note: Adding a task this way will assign the task that specific date. Feel free to drag and drop your tasks between days on the Board view as you see fit. If you'd like to add a task without a date assigned, try adding a task from the right side menu.

After adding a task, feel free to click on the "+add tag" button that appears under your task's name to assign it where it needs to go.

With the Board view, you will be able to create and edit tags in the left side menu. In the center, you can add tasks quickly and drag them across the days as you plan out your week. On the right side menu you can click on the pencil icon to open your backlog task menu, click on the Calendar to see your current daily calendar, and check your notes.

Calendar View
When in Calendar View, timeblocking becomes incredibly easy!
Add tasks to your backlog task list on the right, then drag your tasks into the calendar on the day you'd like to complete that task. Feel free to move each task between days just as before, or adjust the duration and time in case anything comes up during the day. This is a wonderful way to really visualize your work week and find pockets of time in your days.

Note: Choose which Calendars you'd like to display by clicking on the Calendar icon next to Today, and checking/unchecking your connected Calendars.
Updated on: 12/20/2023
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